Add Areas and Assign Inspection Forms

Everything you'll inspect with OrangeQC is organized in sites and areas, which are structured with a folder hierarchy. To start inspecting, you'll need to create a new area, then assign an inspection form.

Add a New Area

  1. Click on the "Setup" tab.
  2. Choose the site the area should be beneath.
  3. Click “+ Add Area."

  4. Enter the name of the new area and click "Save."

  5. (Optional) You can add more sub-areas to the site. For example, if you've added a building, you might want to add sub-areas for each floor on the building, which would then contain the different spaces you need inspected. You can make your setup as simple or complex as your team needs.

Assign an Inspection Form

You won't be able to inspect this space until you've assign an inspection form, so let's do that right away.

  1. Select the new area you've just created, then click "+ Assign Inspection Form."

  2. From here, you have two choices: Choose a form from the drop-down list and click "Save," or click "Create New Inspection Form" to create a new form.

If you're creating a new form, check out our help guide on how to Create and Customize New Inspection Forms. (You can also learn how to Use Inspection Forms from the Template Library.)
If you ever need to remove an area or inspection form, you can select it, then click the trash can icon that pops up to its left.

That's it! Don't forget to assign inspection forms after they’re created; otherwise, your inspectors won’t be able to access them from the mobile app.

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