Customize Your Inspection Forms

Let’s walk through how to create or edit an OrangeQC inspection form for your inspectors to use in the field.

Create A New Inspection Form

  1. Create a new inspection form: Click the Setup tab, then click on "Inspection Forms” in the left-hand sidebar. Next, click the “New inspection form” button in the right-hand corner. You can choose a percentage- or points-based form; we recommend percentage-based for most users, but you can find more information on the differences between the forms here. 

  2. Name your form: Each form should have a name to describe what you will be inspecting (for example, “Classrooms” or “Bathrooms”). Put the name in the text field at the top of the page.

  3. Choose whether the form should be private or not: By default, you should leave this un-checked if you are using OrangeQC for internal use.
    1. A form set to “Private" can only be seen by users with the "Can view private inspections" permission (which can be set on the People tab). Private inspections are great for internal use; you could make forms for employee reviews, for example. These are forms you don't want to share with your customer.

      If you do not click the box to set the inspection as “Private," it will stay public and be visible to any user who can view inspections. You can change this at any time.

      Pro tip: Inspectors who can see private inspections can mark a public inspection as private in the field.

  4. Choose where the form should be available: 
    1. In most cases, you should leave the default as Account-wide. Account-wide inspection forms can be added to any site in your account. This means you can re-use the forms for sites with similar needs. For example, if you have multiple buildings that all need the same bathroom inspection, you can create a “Bathrooms” inspection form and mark it as “Account-wide." We recommend creating Account-wide forms.
    2. Optionally, for more advanced situations, you choose to select a site-specific location; that form can then only be assigned to that one site (or to multiple sites if you use the Bulk Assign button). You can change this later.

  5. Add line items: Line items make up the list of things that should be checked during each inspection. Each line item is like a bullet on a paper checklist. The line item is the name they see, and the description gives additional information about what you want graded. This is how line items look in the app:

  6. Select rating system: We give you some default template rating systems to begin with. If you would like to learn more about the pre-loaded choices or how to create your own, please see the ratings guide. Each line item must has a selected rating.

  7. (Optional) Modify the weight: We recommend leaving this a default of "1." OrangeQC scores use a weighted average of the line item score to calculate a particular inspection score. If a line item is more important (or less important) than the rest, you can change the weight to reflect that. For example, a weight of 0 will mean that line item has no effect on the overall score. A weight of 2 makes it twice as important as the other line items.

  8. (Optional) Add a description: Click the gray plus sign on the far right-hand side of the line item to bring up an optional field to add a description. This is a good spot to describe how the line item should be graded so your inspectors are all on the same page.

  9. (Optional) Add sections: If you have a long form, you can break it into sections. To add one, click the "Add section" button at the top of the form.

  10. Add, move, or delete items and sections: Click the three gray lines on the left-hand side of each line item to bring up a menu that lets you add another line item directly below it, insert a section directly above it, or delete the line item. Drag and drop those lines to rearrange line items or sections. You can also add line items and sections via the buttons at the top and bottom of the form. 

Copy a Form

Sometimes, it’s easier to copy and edit an existing form than to start from scratch. To do this, open the existing inspection form you’d like to copy, then click the "Copy" button in the right-hand corner.

Tips and Tricks

Here are some tips and tricks to help you create great inspection forms right from the start. Don’t worry too much about making them “perfect” — one perk of digital inspections forms is the ability to change them whenever you want!

  1. Make forms reusable. Setting up new sites is easier if you keep your inspection forms generic; for example, a “Standard Inspection” for the whole building, or “Classrooms” or “Offices” inspections that cover a certain kind of room. Your goal should be to have the inspector check the most important aspects of the room. Generic forms give you the flexibility to mix and match for the best quality control coverage.

  2. Don’t worry about extra line items. If there are a few extra items to be inspected in only some rooms, consider adding them to your generic form, rather than creating an entirely different form. The inspector can quickly mark unnecessary items as not applicable during the inspection. (See how to mark a line item as N/A during an inspection.)

  3. Start with account-wide inspections. When you get started, try creating inspection forms at the building level. This lets you get started quickly and see the analytics that OrangeQC offers. Once you've performed a few inspections and have seen what the reports look like, you can decide whether there are areas you need reviewed in more detail.

  4. Add text fields. You can add a line item with a text field for the inspector to note a room number or in case there’s anything you need to follow up on later. Try adding another line item for general comments, too.

  5. Bulk assign forms. If you wish to assign a particular inspection form to multiple locations, use the "Bulk Assign" button to choose from a list.

Your inspectors won’t be able to use new forms until the forms are assigned to a site.

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