Adjust Ticket Tasks Settings

You must be an account administrator to adjust the Ticket Tasks settings.

To adjust the settings:

  1. Click on your username in the upper right-hand corner.
  2. Select 'Account Settings' from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click 'Features' in the left-hand navigation bar.

This will bring up the 'Features and Options' page, which looks like this:

The selections you make on this page will enable or disable Ticket Tasks features for your team's entire account.

Checking the 'Ticket Tasks' box under 'Features' makes the Ticket Tasks feature available to your team.

If you un-check the box, your team will not be able to use Ticket Tasks at all.

Checking the 'Automatically create ticket tasks for deficient inspections' box under 'Account Settings' will automatically create a to-do list of tasks for each deficient item on an inspection.

If this box is not checked, but Ticket Tasks are enabled under Features, to-do lists can still be added to tickets manually.

Ticket Tasks are available with the Standard Plan and above. If you do not see an option for Ticket Tasks available, please contact to discuss upgrading your account.

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