Ticket Automations

Ticket automations are powerful "IF-THEN" conditions that automate common or repetitive tasks associated with new tickets originating from emails.

Here are some examples of automations you can set:

  • If an email arrives from your client domain name, then automatically assign it to their location.
  • If there is an urgent email, then automatically change the priority and assign it to your team lead.
  • If the email contains a room number, then automatically associate it with the correct room in your area hierarchy.
  • If your inbound ticket email address already has a default category or area associated with it, then override those selections.

Before getting started:

  1. You must first have at least one inbound ticket email address configured.
  2. Ticket automations only apply to new tickets created through inbound emails, not on those tickets created from the website or the app.
  3. If multiple automations match a new email, then they will all be applied in order based upon the automation name.

Creating your first ticket automation

  1. Click your name in the upper right-hand corner of the web app, then choose "Account Settings" from the drop-down. Click "Ticket Automation" in the left-hand sidebar.

  2. Give your automation a name to distinguish its intended use. (Automations will run in alphabetical order, so the name could start with a number to define which rules should happen first.)

  3. The IF conditions will determine whether this automation will run on the newly created ticket. Enter a search phrase, such as a domain name or keyword. Please note that the capitalization of the keyword will have no effect.

  4. Select which email fields the automation should look at. Options are: from address, subject, message body. Below is an example, to match on a sender's email address.

  5. THEN actions define what should happen to the ticket when the IF conditions are met.

  6. Press "Save." Your ticket automation is now active and will be applied to future emails that are received.

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