Using the Integration API


OrangeQC provides automated data exports through our Integration API. This functionality is currently in limited Private Beta as a paid add-on starting at $6000 per year depending on your data size.

Before getting started, your team should have extensive knowledge in working with integrations into your destination system, such as Power BI or MS Dynamics. If your team has not performed integrations before, please contact OrangeQC so we can introduce you to our 3rd party collaboration partner which specializes in helping teams integrate OrangeQC data into their systems.

How it works

OrangeQC performs an automatic data export (Extraction) of the relevant objects inside of your account, then saves that as a CSV flat file. Once complete, it will send a POST request to an API endpoint you control along with a signed S3 URL to download that data. Your system would then connect to one of your desired systems.

Connectors are configured by OrangeQC. You will need to provide the following details:

  1. An API endpoint (URL) that our system can automatically POST to. When a request is made, the URL should respond with a 200 status code.
  2. To secure the endpoint, please configure an allowed API key. OrangeQC will provide this API key inside the x-api-key header of the request.

OrangeQC will routinely export data, typically on a daily or weekly basis during off peak hours, and make a request to your provided endpoint. The sample format is detailed below:

  • account: The subdomain / account name of your account.
  • account_id: Unique ID to your account
  • last_run_at: The last time this job executed and exported data to your endpoint.
  • report_type: Type of data that is included inside the CSV. Will take the format of "inspections", "inspection_items", etc.
  • report_url: The signed S3 URL to download the CSV file. Files should be downloaded in a timely manner as the URLs and files will expire after 24 hours. It is your responsibility to save that data within one of your systems.
	"id": 1,
	"account": "your-account-name",
	"account_id": 123,
	"last_object_id": 1,
	"last_run_at": "2021-02-03T08:39:54-06:00",
	"report_export_id": 2,
	"report_type": "inspections",
	"report_url": "",
	"updated_at": "2021-02-03T08:39:54-06:00",
	"user_id": 1234
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