Fix: No Forms at My Location

If you haven’t completed the setup process online, you might see the following error message in your app: "There are no forms or areas set up for this location. To perform inspections, finish setting up your site online."

To finish setup:
  1. Log into your account on the OrangeQC website.
  2. Click the “Setup” tab, then click on the particular site that was not set up.
  3. Look for any areas that have the empty folder icon, which denotes it is not yet set up.
  4. Click on the area.
  5. Click “+ Assign Inspection Form." Choose the right inspection form from the drop-down menu, then click “Save.” Repeat until you have assigned all the inspection forms you want at that location.
  6. On your mobile device, tap to Settings tab, then tap "Download New Data.”
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