Restore an Archived Site or Area

Both sites and areas within OrangeQC can be restored from within the Setup tab.

By restoring a site or area, the system will restore:

  1. The selected area.
  2. Any areas immediately above it, if they are not already restored.
  3. All of the sub-areas underneath the selected area.
  4. Inspection form assignments for active inspection forms.

The restoration will not restore:

  • Previously archived inspection forms or their form assignments. To do this, first read our guide on how to Restore an Archived Inspection Form.
  • Tickets nor other manually archived inspection forms.
  • Previous user areas of access.
  1. As an Administrator, visit the Setup > Sites page and click on the View Archive button.

  2. You can now browse your list of all archived areas including archived sub-areas. Active areas will not have an indicator next to the name. Archived areas will display an Archived indicator as well as the archival date.

  3. Select the area you wish to restore within your Area Hierarchy. In our example, the Front Office was an archived sub-area within an existing site.

  4. Press Restore. Depending on the size of your location it may take up to several minutes to fully complete the restoration, but rest assured that it will restore shortly and be made available to your team.

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