Customize Your Dashboard

Intro to Your Organization's Dashboard

Your account dashboard is a one-stop shop for seeing actionable metrics for your organization at a glance. Your dashboard comes pre-set with a number of useful metrics, but top-level administrators can customize the dashboard to highlight different metrics that are important to your team.

How does the dashboard work?

  • Your dashboard metrics are refreshed when you visit the page.
  • Different users with different access will have their dashboard display differently based upon that access. For example, a user without access to tickets will not see any ticket metrics. Likewise, users with access to only a subset of locations will only see metrics related to their areas of access.
  • Changes to the account dashboard will change the display for all users within your account.

Types of Metrics

  • Inspection Score calculates the average percentage score for inspections performed within the date range.
  • Inspections counts the total number of inspections performed within the date range.
  • Deficient Inspections counts the total number of deficient inspections performed within the date range.
  • Flagged Inspections counts the total number of flagged inspections performed within the date range.

  • APPA Score, a common points-based rating, will calculate the average point-based score rather than percentage.
  • Tickets Created will display the number of tickets created within the date range. You can create additional ticket metrics such as "Number of tickets created during the date range that are Pending".
  • Average First Response Time measures the time from when the ticket is created until the first comment is added to the ticket. Only non-scheduled tickets are measured.
  • Average Resolution Time measures the time from when the ticket is created until it is resolved. Only non-scheduled tickets are measured.
  • Ticket Inbox will display the current number of open and pending tickets present within your inbox. Please note that unlike the classic dashboard, this metric will not update based upon the date range filter.

Types of Charts

Please note that the X-Axis displays the "Week Of [Date]" metric. For example, if the label is July 1, then the metric corresponds to the week of July 1.

  • Inspection Score displays a line chart of the average inspection percentage score over time.
  • Inspections Performed displays a bar chart of the total number of inspections conducted over the date range.
  • Tickets Created displays a bar chart of the total number of tickets created during that date range.

How to customize your organization's dashboard

  1. Log in as a top-level administrator within your OrangeQC account. Admins must have access to the entire organization to customize the Dashboard since those changes affect all users.
  2. Click the Customize button.
  3. On the Edit page, you can customize the various parts of your dashboard:
    1. Set the default date range. Initially, this is set at 60 days.

    2. Click on the Edit buttons on each metric tile to customize the title or filters that are used.
    3. Press the Delete buttons to remove any metric from your Dashboard. You can always add the metric back.
    4. Click the "+ Add Metric" or "+ Add Chart" button to add new sections to your Dashboard.

  4. When adding a new metric, use the provided fields to change the display title or the filters that are applied.
    1. For example, here is a metric for total number of a particular type of inspection form that have been performed:

    2. Here is an example of a metric for the total number of Tickets created within the date range that are pending:

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