Inspection Export Format

The Inspection export is provided as a CSV file with one row per inspection and the the following columns shared below.

Column Description
id Unique identifier and system generated primary key of the inspection.
name String representing the inspection form name.
inspection_form_id Integer foreign key representing the inspection form template that this inspection is based upon.
ticket_id Integer representing the ticket id within the account associated with this flagged inspection. Ticket ID is unique the the account.
deficient Boolean representing if inspection contained any deficiencies.
flagged Boolean representing if the inspector flagged this audit to create a ticket.
private Boolean representing if this inspection is private.
score Percentage based average score of the audit.
points Point based score, if point based rating are present inside the inspection.
started_at Datetime of when the inspector opened and started the inspection.
ended_at Datetime of when the inspector pressed the submit button on the inspection. Tracked even if the user does not have an internet connection.
latitude Latitude of where the inspection was performed. Could be empty if Location Services is unavailable.
longitude Longitude of where the inspection was performed. Could be empty if Location Services is unavailable.
structure Name of the immediately linked structure.
structure_id Integer foreign key representing the direct structure this inspection took place at.
structure_path Array of the location hierarchy from the top of the organization to the structure where the inspection took place.
user Inspector who completed this inspection.
user_id Integer foreign key representing the inspector who performed the inspection.
created_at Datetime of when the inspection was received and uploaded into the OrangeQC system. If a user does not have an internet connection, this timestamp may be after the ended_at. 
updated_at Datetime of when the latest update was made to this inspection such as when scores have been calculated or when an Admin made corrections to the inspection.
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