Receive Ticket Email Alerts

Ticket Email Notifications

Users can subscribe to ticket email alerts depending on how often they want to receive alerts, as well as which information they would like to receive.

  • Real-time: When enabled, the user will receive a comment every time a ticket is created, receives a comment, or is resolved. Email will always be limited to the user's permissions and areas of access; they will not receive emails for locations they do not have access to. For existing users, you can further limit emails by using the advanced email options (see below).
  • Escalation: These email alerts will be sent when a ticket is created and remains in the Open status for a selected length of time. This is helpful if you expect your team to respond to tickets within a certain time-frame, such as 24 hours. Only one escalation email will be sent per ticket.
  • Inbound email ticket is not assigned: This option only available to people with access to view tickets that are unassigned to a location.

Advanced Options

Advanced options allow you to filter and limit the ticket emails that a user will receive. This is useful for users who have broad access to the account, but may only want to receive emails about tickets within a certain ticket category, which have a minimum priority, or that are for specific areas.

Please note that advanced options are only available to existing users. If you are creating a new user, please save that user first, then edit the user to edit the advanced options.

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